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Producer Rank BRONZE 🥉 [Belgium]





Can I release a beat by Notorious Beats on Spotify, Beatport, Apple Music or Tidal?

Once you purchase a beat from Notorious Beats you will receive either 5% MP3, 15% MP3 + WAV or 100% of rights to the track if you’ve chosen the royalty-free 100% royalties option.
You can then sign the track to a record label and release it under your name, you don’t have to feature Notorious Beats on your song, but if you choose the 5% or 15% option, the producer will receive the remaining amount of royalties and you will have to notify the label to deliver royalty statements both to you and the producer, you will receive all the necessary details that you can use when signing the track together in the package after purchase.


I’m a Twitch streamer, can I use this “Notorious Beats” during my streams without getting copyright claimed?

Upon purchasing a Beat from Notorious Beats you will become the artist of the track, and you are free to use this Notorious Beats‘s ghost productions in any way you want, just keep in mind if you purchase the 5% or 15% royalties option, the producer still owns the remaining royalties this includes all royalties and publishing. Any kind of revenue coming from tracks produced by Notorious Beats will be shared with the buyer and Notorious Beats unless you purchase the 100% royalties options.


Can I use Notorious Beats‘s beat in Ad campaigns, or promotional material for movies or video games?

After purchasing a beat by Notorious Beats you are free to use the track in any way you want, just remember if you purchase the 5% or 15% royalties option, the producer still owns rights to the beat.
All revenue from the track has to be shared between you and the producer. You can purchase Royalty-free tracks if you are looking to keep all the rights.


What will I receive upon Purchasing Beats by Notorious Beats ?

When you purchase a beat from our Notorious Beats  you will receive: Option 1. Mastered MP3 Option 2. Mastered WAV + Mastered MP3 Option 3. Unmastered WAV, Mastered WAV, Stems of the track in WAV format

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    My Mind

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    How I Do It

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    Higher Grounds

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    Turn Away
    Diamond Skies

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